Monday, October 19, 2015


So this is advice for drama. Okay so when someone is spreading rumors or as said gossip. So this will happen at one point in your life either to someone who is close to you as in your BFF or friend or maybe a sibling or even you. But when it comes your going to need to know how to handle it so i'm   giving you advice. So when someone is gossiping lets say about someone else or even you the goal is not go crazy or even make fun of the person who started it. Maybe instead of you doing that just ignore them and if its really bothering you that much tell an adult. Or you can confront them as we were taught with niceness. For example if someone says ''oh you have the ugliest face ever'' witch is very mean you should compliment them as ms. Alexzander taught us that I think should really help. Well she said that after you compliment them they will get confused and not know what to do I think that will work it really makes sense. So make sure when these things happen to play cool not go psycho on the person and if you here them talking about someone else just tell them to stop and if they don't tell an adult again if you need to. Just try your best to follow those steps to avoid the gossiping or rumors because its considered bullying.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Todays advice is for lunch. Oh and in the 6th grade this is a big problem. So when you guys are in the cafeteria they say don't leave trash on the floor and if you do you get assign seats. Well instead of leaving trash pick it up and they even say pick trash up even though you didn't drop it. Who knows maybe you might get rewarded even though it shouldn't be for that reason. Also they say stay quiet level 2 or level 1 but they say us 6th graders go above that level. Now we have a really bad punishment yes I said really bad because we HATE it. So instead of being like us just stay at whatever level you need to be at stay at it because you do not want to be like us because not being able to sit next to your friends is torture to us. So stay quiet because one person can affect it all trust me it will so just do what you need to because you will not like your punishment. This is  not a complaint this is to help you guys because you do not want this so like I always say do your best in any thing school subjects P.E and lunch.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Advice for today is when your in any subject and you don't understand. So for example when the math teacher see's no one raise their hand he sometime just picks random and its most of the  time me I don't like it but it really helps even though I have no idea what im doing he takes you step by step how to . Just don't say no i don't want to because I don't want to because people do that and yes its kind of rude or maybe all the way rude. Just go up their try and if people laugh just don't listen and act like you don't care and you shouldn't care and if it bothers you that much tell the teacher. Also to add when you don't get it just raise your hand so he or she can go over it with you on the bored.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Sasha's Advice

So my todays advice is when you are in P.E so when your in P.E before the class starts you sit down in a seat. So when you do this make sure that the teacher or coach say you may speak or stand up. If the teacher or coach doesn't say speak or stand you should know no to do it but of course people do it just don't be like those people. Also when outside don't put your hands on someone just cause the teacher or coach is not looking because please I've seen it. So instead just do the right thing no matter who's looking. Also you should participate because really no one should fail P.E its so easy unless your injured you should participate because it is a grade and if you don't feel like P.E ever you fail like I said and we don't want that so you should just try your best like any other subject cause its all a grade every subject .Some well maybe a lot of people thinks P.E is a pain and maybe it kind of is but we will get through it and yes i'm saying this like is a big deal but to a lot of people it is so try the best you can.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Sasha's sixth grade advice


My name is Sasha my blog is about the sixth grade advice I don't know if any one else is doing this but if you are. sorry. So if you are having trouble in a subject you learn that getting up and actually doing something teaches you a lot of things. Some subjects you might be super good at pretty much perfect that doesn't mean every time you get something right say. YESSSSS! Or laugh is some one gets something wrong that actually make some one feel bad and not be able to do any thing so instead say nice job or don't worry you can do better next time. So I will be posting something maybe 2 or 3 times a week and they will be different advices bout different things in the sixth grade.

Monday, October 5, 2015


                                                   Facts about me Saihsheonna Watson

My name is Saihsheonna Watson but people call me Sasha or Sushi.
I was born in Indiana.

I'm mixed with black and white.

I have two brothers no sisters and I have a dog. 

I had my first phone when I was in first grade it was a flip phone just so I could call my parents when I was in my apartments.

i am now in the 6th grade

And I now live in my first house but we are moving soon to a new one