Monday, October 19, 2015


So this is advice for drama. Okay so when someone is spreading rumors or as said gossip. So this will happen at one point in your life either to someone who is close to you as in your BFF or friend or maybe a sibling or even you. But when it comes your going to need to know how to handle it so i'm   giving you advice. So when someone is gossiping lets say about someone else or even you the goal is not go crazy or even make fun of the person who started it. Maybe instead of you doing that just ignore them and if its really bothering you that much tell an adult. Or you can confront them as we were taught with niceness. For example if someone says ''oh you have the ugliest face ever'' witch is very mean you should compliment them as ms. Alexzander taught us that I think should really help. Well she said that after you compliment them they will get confused and not know what to do I think that will work it really makes sense. So make sure when these things happen to play cool not go psycho on the person and if you here them talking about someone else just tell them to stop and if they don't tell an adult again if you need to. Just try your best to follow those steps to avoid the gossiping or rumors because its considered bullying.


  1. Thanks Sasha! It really help to remember this, because middle school is full of people who are going to try to be mean to you!

  2. please check out my blog and make sure to vote each month please!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. this is very good advise for young kids to know. it helps them avoid a lot of drama and it also helps us .

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