Friday, October 9, 2015


Sasha's Advice

So my todays advice is when you are in P.E so when your in P.E before the class starts you sit down in a seat. So when you do this make sure that the teacher or coach say you may speak or stand up. If the teacher or coach doesn't say speak or stand you should know no to do it but of course people do it just don't be like those people. Also when outside don't put your hands on someone just cause the teacher or coach is not looking because please I've seen it. So instead just do the right thing no matter who's looking. Also you should participate because really no one should fail P.E its so easy unless your injured you should participate because it is a grade and if you don't feel like P.E ever you fail like I said and we don't want that so you should just try your best like any other subject cause its all a grade every subject .Some well maybe a lot of people thinks P.E is a pain and maybe it kind of is but we will get through it and yes i'm saying this like is a big deal but to a lot of people it is so try the best you can.


  1. Plz follow me just because i think u should :)- #batman

  2. Sasha, this was so great. It was clear and had a nice flow to it. You gave very personal advice.

    Maybe you could get even more specific at the end of your post and list some bullet points..something like...
    *Don't respond to gossip
    * "kill 'em with kindness- be nice to people when they try to be mean to you.
    *Tell an adult.
