Monday, May 9, 2016

The time i met my bestfriends

 Laylony; I knew her since kindergarten and i still do talk to her and go to her house sometimes  and she is so funny and she always has something to say to someone but she is still nice

Chelsey; i knew Chelsey when i sat with her and Alicia at lunch in 5th grade when later on when i found out she was my cousin shes funny nice and sometimes both of us are mean to each other

Mi'ya; i met her in 4th grade she was a new student and me and Cynthia just decided to talk to her because she was hilarious and then from then i was her friend to now

Angy; i met Angy in kindergarten also she failed first grade so we weren't really friends then we stared talking again and me and Laylony go to the park she so kind and still funny

Jamesha; Jamesha was in the other 5th grade class and switched over to our class and we became friends over that she so funny nice and sometimes when shes mad at people it is hilarious.

Nikaylah; i met Nikaylah in 4th grade we didn't like each other because she would hang out with the mean girls but now there gone shes better and we became friends in 5th and now we still are

Chailyn; lives in my aunts neighborhood  and i didn't know util my brother told me the girl in my class beat someone up in the neighborhood turns out it was her i talked to her and we became close friends so seance Rahquon went to his friends house there i went to her house

Sury; i met her on the first day of school when they were confusing us about were to go for P.E we sat together and talked we became friends in 1 period she was so nice and still is but now that its later on she became a little more than what she was

Alica; I met her in 3rd grade when i switched to her class and she talked to me and when she came to this school in 5th i talked to her because i remembered her

Cynthia; she left the school but she was a really close friend she would help me out and i met her in 4th and her and another girl talked to me on the first day of school and we found out we were in the same class and we sat together and i still talk to her anyway i can like kik

Kirtavia; i met her in 4th and she was rude to me so we didn't like each other in 5th there were off and on problems but she came around this year i mean she acts up but friend wise she makes good decisions

Image result for bestfriendsImage result for bestfriends

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